Steatosis (more formally known as hepatic steatosis) is a medical term for an over abundance of fatty triglycerides that accumulate inside a cell, usually inside the cells of the liver. Although by themselves these fatty cells are not problematic, they can cause a variety of other dangerous illnesses, and are usually an indication of other problems.

Steatosis is not a permanent condition; if treated properly it will reverse itself, but if left alone it can lead to other serious problems with the liver, including cirrhosis.


Steatosis is also known as nonalcoholic fatty litter disease, or NAFLD. The definition of steatosis is an infiltration of the liver by fatty cells; these cells are generally triglycerides, which are usually processed by the liver for the body’s future energy uses.

These fat cells end up replacing the normal cell structure, and though they do no actual harm, they can eventually cause an individual cell to burst. They can also lead to an enlarged liver as the organ itself becomes overrun with fat.

Unlike many other, more serious liver diseases, steatosis is not caused by alcoholism, and it can affect people of all ages, including young children. It is unclear what actually causes it, but it does tend to show up in people who have very high blood pressure and who are obese, and many doctors believe that its root cause is metabolic syndrome. The incidence of steatosis is rising dramatically.


Steatosis or fatty liver symptoms are similar to many of the other metabolic disorders, and include high blood pressure and hypertension, obesity, abnormally high triglyceride cholesterol levels or abnormally low lipoprotein levels, and resistance to insulin.

Steatosis is almost never detected on its own, but instead is discovered in the course of investigating other symptoms. On rare occasions, it may be discovered during a physical exam if a physician notices the enlarged liver or if pain is reported under the ribcage. Sometimes people with fatty liver disease complain of fatigue or depression, but these symptoms are too vague to be helpful in diagnosis.


Although steatosis is not a condition that is dangerous unto itself, it is symptomatic of underlying problems, and it is important that the disease start be reversed as soon as possible. The most immediate corrections for fatty liver disease include losing weight, taking cholesterol-reducing medications, exercising and getting diabetes (if it is present,) under control.

Improving your overall nutritional intake is essential, but weight loss must be gradual or the condition could get worse; foods that are high in fiber and low in fat should be incorporated slowly into your diet with a goal of reducing fat intake to less than thirty percent overall.

Your physician should check to see if you have diabetes and, if you do, begin a regimen of insulin or other medications to get it under control. Also, even though steatosis is not caused by alcohol, people who have been diagnosed with this condition should avoid alcohol entirely because it can cause liver damage.

Steatosis and Cirrhosis

It is important for people who have been diagnosed with fatty liver disease to adhere to the regimen prescribed by their physician so that their condition can be reversed. Although the condition is not dangerous, if left untreated it can lead to other complications, including cirrhosis and liver damage, particularly if you have the additional risk factors of diabetes, high blood pressure or obesity.

Twenty five percent of people who have been diagnosed with fatty liver disease end up being diagnosed with a more serious liver disease, and many end up requiring a liver transplant. In order to avoid this result, it is essential that a healthier lifestyle be pursued.