Sclerosis is a medical term that describes a hardening and stiffening of tissue. It can happen to many different organs and parts of the body, but when it occurs in the liver, it is more commonly and more accurately called cirrhosis. The liver is a crucial organ, the largest in the body, and it is responsible for cleaning toxins from the bloodstream, manufacturing proteins and bile, storing nutrients and sugars and breaking down fat. When the liver is damaged, scar tissue forms. This has an impact on the liver’s ability to perform all of its functions because blood can no longer flow through it freely. Sclerosis, or cirrhosis, is a serious illness that causes death in many.


Though there are many different factors that can contribute to sclerosis, the main three causes are fatty liver disease, alcohol, and a disease called Hepatitis C, which can be caused by unprotected intercourse or drug use with dirty needles.

Fatty liver disease is a condition in which the normal cells of the liver are replaced by large amounts of triglycerides, and is often  accompanied by high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity. The liver can become enlarged, and though the condition is reversible, if it is not remedied it can be a cause of the kind of damage that will scar the liver.

Hepatitis C is a virus that can cause damage, and if it is combined with alcohol the damage is exacerbated. Women have a higher risk of cirrhosis then men. There are other medical conditions that can contribute to scarring of the liver; the bile ducts backing up can cause damage, as can heart disease.


When liver damage and cirrhosis begin, there are usually no symptoms. But as more scar tissue forms and the liver is unable to perform its normal functions, the damage starts to show up in a variety of ways.

Various signs of illness, such as exhaustion, loss of appetite, weakness and feeling unwell are the first real signs, and because they are so vague it may take some time for a diagnosis to be made. Eventually more telltale signs like jaundice, red capillary lines on the skin, tenderness around the liver, and uncommon bruising will lead your physician to conduct liver function tests.

If the damage is not quickly addressed more serious conditions like extreme fluid buildup in the legs, vomiting blood and black tarry stools are an indication of swollen varices, which are the small blood vessels in the stomach, bursting. This is a sign of extreme liver failure.


Unfortunately, there is no cure for sclerosis of the liver, but the conditions that contribute to it can be treated in hopes of alleviating the symptoms. Fatty liver disease, one of the major contributors, is treated by adjusting your diet, cutting fat and calories and increasing fiber in order to reverse the disease.

Medications are available for the treatment of Hepatitis C, and if alcohol abuse is a contributing factor, then drinking needs to be cut out completely. There are also steps you can follow to diminish the symptoms of cirrhosis. Cutting sodium and taking diuretics, or water pills, can decrease water retention and swelling, and medications can be taken to address some of the other symptoms.

There are surgical procedures that can be performed to address the swollen or bleeding varices. Cirrhosis is a serious condition; in the case of extreme liver damage, a liver transplant may be indicated.