Fatty liver is a disease that has as many sufferers as it does proposed cures. In recent years, a variety of professionals have come up with various formulas, one of them being the Fatty Liver Bible. What is the Fatty Liver Bible, and is it effective in reversing fatty liver?

What Is It?

The Fatty Liver Bible bases its technique on the Ezra Protocol, which uses holistic methods for reversing fatty liver. The Ezra protocol is based on the work of Mr. Jacob Ezra, who specialized in liver disorders. The protocol was further refined by Dr. Alfred Pischinger.

The Fatty Liver Bible is a 5-Step Plan that promises to reverse both obesity and fatty liver. According to its website, it is based on over two decades of research, as well as trial and error, and the testimonials of people worldwide.

The Fatty Liver Bible promises to remove fat from the liver, rejuvenate it, reverse the build up of toxins, reverse chemical imbalances in the liver that can cause cancer later on, speed up metabolism, lose weight, clean out the arteries, and remove the side effects that come with fatty liver.

The Product

The Fatty Liver Bible also recommends food to eat as well as foods to avoid. It also talks about how fruits can actually aggravate fatty liver disease. The Fatty Liver Bible available in a downloadable eBook that can be purchased from the website at $47, with a 2-month money back guarantee. The purchase includes consultation with Debra Elkin, the writer of the eBook; as well as several bonus eBooks.

Boost Your Metabolism and Peel the Fat Off provides techniques on how to keep off fats by tricking the pituitary gland. Nostrum of Herbal Remedies provides tips and facts about herbal medicine that can help people deal with a variety of disorders. Back Door to the Health Insurance System provides tips on how to get lower insurance costs. Natural Detox has tips on how to naturally detoxify the body. TheĀ  Relaxation Toolkit also contains eBooks such as At Peace at Home, Complete Course of Raja Yoga, and a CD set of natural, relaxing sounds to aid sleep.

Website Details

The domain is registered under Just Host Hosting, which operates out of Provo, Utah. The hosting company is also the technical and administrative contact for the website. The domain was created in November 2010, and it is set to expire in November 2013.

The Author Debra Elkin

Debra Elkin once suffered from fatty liver, until she was able to consult with Dr. Ezra and was cured. According to her website, she uses her interactions and experiences with him to illustrate, in her book, how people can be cured of fatty liver as well. Debra Elkin is a mother and grandmother, and was about to give up hope when she was recommended a liver transplant.

Social Media

Although there are no exclusive social media accounts for the Fatty Liver Bible, there are mentions of it on Twitter and Facebook. There are also press releases online that talk about how the protocol is not a scam.


The claims put forth by the Fatty Liver Bible have not yet undergone rigorous testing for their veracity, and only a few testimonials attest to its efficacy.